Thursday, January 25, 2018

Things to Remember

I get so caught up in my daily routine that I often forget to write down the funny things Reid does and the ways he has grown. Andy and I talk about new things Reid does and how cute and smart he is on a daily basis. However, taking the time and effort to write them down is a different story. Yes, I have baby books. Yes, I have this blog. And yes, I have numerous other ways of tracking Reid's developmental victories. BUT, life is very, very busy. And Andy and I are often very tired and preoccupied with enjoying Reid in real life, rather than worrying about stopping in the middle of playtime to document the life we have been enjoying and trying to soak in (in between toddler temper tantrums, frazzled evenings, and never ending to-do lists). Here are some things Reid has been loving lately.

MUSIC. Reid has a love of all things musical. His Honeybells teachers tell us that he is always front and center during music class, and he loves singing along to every word. He emulates this at home by asking to play his "'tar" (guitar) throughout the day, as well as breaking out his "'monica" and singing himself to sleep at night. Often, he asks for his "'tar" first thing in the morning and on the way home from school in the evenings. He likes when Andy or I (or anyone, probably) plays guitar with him. He also loves listening to Winnie-the-Pooh, Moana, and Frozen songs on repeat. Recently, he has shown an interest in Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds." Although he still loves books, he also started asking Andy and me to sing him songs at bedtime. Some favorites are "Jesus Loves Me" and "Twinkle Twinkle," in addition to the ever present "Winnie-the-Pooh."  When we sing "Twinkle Twinkle," he turns on his moon and stars nightlight (if it wasn't already on) and points up at the stars. When we sing "Jesus Loves Me," he sings along merrily, and even changes his voice to deep husky tone when singing "He is stroooong."  Christmas tunes like "Jingle Bells" and "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" are still going strong, as well as "Happy Birthday" (almost always to "Gandma"- Grandma). Such a funny little dude.

SCOOTER. Reid still loves his scooter, and he even knows how to "scooty" with both feet on the scooter. He especially loves when his cousins come along for the ride and will often "scooty" over to the Clarks' house to see if Dylan or Ellison are home to go with him. Twice, he took his scooter to Dommerich's playground with Dylan, and I am still fielding random requests to go "on scooty to paygound with Dylan" (intentional mis-spelling). He is also pretty good at stopping and waiting for cars and letting us know if "car coming." If any other cousins want to come over and go "scooty" with Reid- please do!

WINNIE THE POOH. Reid's love for Winnie-the-Pooh has barely fizzled, if at all. He loves Pooh Bear and Tigger the best, although he will sing about any and all of the characters. He has toy figurines and will take them in to the shower or bath to clean them at night, he sleeps with a stuffed Pooh and/or Tigger, and he listens to the soundtrack on repeat. We recently watched our first Doc McStuffins episode and it was about saving and fixing a "fy-ing Pooh Bear" a.k.a. Pooh Bear after a bunch of balloons whisked him away. Now, Reid has watched the "fy-ing Pooh Bear" at least 3 times. Reid also loves honey and will remind us that Pooh Bear eats honey whenever he has an opportunity. He also tells us that he "yikes" (likes) honey like Pooh Bear.

FRUIT. Reid pretty much starts and ends his day with fruit, Strawberries are the current favorite, although the offer of any fruit will get him smiling. He is even back to eating bananas, which he stopped eating for a while. "Mingos" (mangos) are another favorite, especially when frozen. And, of course, "boo-berries" (blueberries) remain a must-have.

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