Thursday, January 25, 2018

Beaman Christmas 2017

           Beaman Christmas 2017 began with a delicious Christmas Eve dinner at Palmer with our traditional crew (Laura, Brett, Aunt Joann + the regulars) and wrapped up with a waffle breakfast at Choctaw's inaugural Christmas day brunch. For the past 33 years, my parents have hosted both Christmas Eve and Christmas Breakfast at their home. While wonderful, I felt like it was time to pass the torch. I'm not quite ready to host Christmas Eve, but we have gladly assumed Christmas Day duty. Of course, having my sisters bring egg casserole and my mom bring some items (cranberry muffins!) helped ease the hosting duties. Also, Andy and I invested in a waffle maker, so a large portion of the food consisted of make-your-own waffles. Kids were hyper, parents were tired, and everybody was happy and full (I hope)! Cheers!
Reid basking in the glory of a Palmer Christmas Eve!

Fast asleep and waiting on Santa (complete with new Christmas pajamas and Olaf)


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