Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Animal Kingdom!

Andy, Reid, and I enjoyed our second trip to Animal Kingdom as a family this past weekend. We went when Reid was younger, but it was nice to see how much more he was able to interact with us and with the world around him on this trip. We watched the Nemo show and the Lion King show, ate at Restaurantosaurus, visited Donald Duck, waved to Goofy and Pluto, etc. Reid and Andy rode the twirling triceratops ride, and Reid dug in the sand pit and rode down the slide at Dino Land. We also walked through a jungle trek in Africa, and Reid loved seeing the gorillas, monkeys, and fish most of all. He was particularly drawn to the gorillas and told us immediately upon seeing one that "Gorilla sad." Soon afterwards, he told us the gorillas were happy and that they like to eat grass, but his initial comment was heartbreaking and warming at the same time. We told him that gorillas eat "bamboo, leaves, and fruit" (thanks, google), and he was very excited to learn that gorillas like fruit just like him! Another thing that excited him during our trip- his new bubble wand. It plays Little Mermaid music and spits out an obnoxious amount of bubbles at the same time. Sensory overload if you ask me, but Reid can't get enough. Speaking of sensory overload, it was a beautiful day and Animal Kingdom was pretty crowded, so Andy and I really enjoyed our serene walk through Asia's jungle trek during Reid's nap time. It was a peaceful respite in the middle of some true Disney chaos. The chaos had its own charm, though - anything for our boy!
Reid cheesin' on the train on our way to the park
Although we didn't make it to Rainforest Cafe this time, Reid was happy to pose for a picture in front of the animal sign.
Hugs for Donald Duck!

Watching the gorillas- safe in daddy's arms...
More gorillas- Reid really loved watching them.
The bubble wand- it seemed like a good idea at the time...
Reid was totally captivated during the entire Lion King show.

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