Friday, January 5, 2018

Layden Family Christmas 2017

Reid and I had a great time celebrating Christmas (on the 23rd) in Sun City Center. Unfortunately, Andy spent his day on the couch fighting a fever, but we were able to facetime with him throughout the day. Next year, he is not allowed to get sick over the holidays!

We started off our road trip with Uncle Aaron and Aunt Dom, which made the drive to Sun City Center much more enjoyable. Plus, we stopped at Starbucks on the way, and Reid was able to enjoy some bagel poppers while hanging in the backseat with mom (me). Don't mess with Reid's bagel poppers!

We arrived at Sun City Center right around Reid's naptime, and he took a quick snooze in the driveway before joining the party. With the exception of another afternoon nap later in the day, Reid's day was filled with fun. In addition to spending time with cousin Gage and running around the golf course with Uncle Aaron, Reid was able to spend time on Apa's shoulders, enjoy Nee Nee's delicious food, and open lots and lots of presents. He especially loved the legos he received from Uncle Scotty/Gage and the guitar he received from Uncle Aaron and Aunt Dom. I'm sure he will get a lot of use out of the obstacle course he received from Apa and Nee Nee, too! Oh, and I think his favorite food this year was the cranberry relish. Lucky little boy!

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