Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Grandparent Love

My previous post inspired me to reflect on Reid's relationship with all of his grandparents. Reid is very lucky that all four of his grandparents play an active role in his life and have since day one. My pregnancy was announced during a birthday party for Grandpa Layden/Apa - we gave him a onesie that said "Baby of the Year" and a few bibs as birthday presents. Then, we invited the whole family over for a gender reveal. During the course of my pregnancy, every family member chipped in to some degree to ensure that our sweet home was all set up for BBL and that I was eating well and resting and feeling as supported as possible throughout my pregnancy. In their own ways, each of Reid's family members showed their love for Reid long before he was born. Now, the love Reid's grandparents (and cousins and aunts and uncles) have for him is even more palpable. I touched on some of the things he loves doing with Grandma and Grandpa in my previous post and how special his relationship is with my parents. Thankfully, he also has a special and close relationship with Andy's parents- Apa and Nee Nee (pronounced "Nay Nay" by BBL). He loves to read books with Nee Nee and listen to her songs, and he loves to go in the pool with Apa and play with him on the ground (with blocks, with cars, by climbing on him, etc.). The list goes on and on. We love you, Grandparents!

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