Friday, June 2, 2017

A Playdate With Friends

Shame on me for waiting so long to update the blog. Between moving out of our beloved Hazel home in early May, moving in with my parents, work, sicknesses, etc., time has slipped away from me. Rest assured, though, that we have been making wonderful memories and having lots of fun along the way. One of the things that Andy, Reid, and I all love to do is to meet up with friends and their babies for adult/child playdates. In early May, before we moved out of CP, we spent a Friday evening (not our first) at the Chapmans' house. The babies ran around the backyard, played in the water, ate spaghetti, etc., while the adults sipped on their respective beer or wine and watched the adorable kids run around. Reid is still at the age where he mostly plays on his own, but he will mimic what other kids are doing (sit at the table and eat, push things around the living room, etc.) and seems to enjoy playdates almost as much as we do. At this stage in my life, backyard/living room playdates are highly coveted and appreciated. They are (relatively) easy and a great way to catch up with friends.  I am so thankful for my friends and the little tribe we have formed together. I will miss living so close to most of them, but I am hoping I can lure them over to Maitland with the promise of pool parties. And lots of beer and wine.

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