Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Weekend to Remember

Reid, Andy, and I spent a wonderful weekend in Annapolis visiting with some of my old college friends recently. While there, Reid got in a lot of quality time with Lucy and Patrick ("Patty") Maher, and he was also able to meet and spend time with Wally Dalton, Tala Kiblawi, and Naji Kiblawi. We stayed at the Maher's townhouse (yay for pull-out couches and playrooms!) in Annapolis. On day one, my dearest friend, Lauren, picked us up from the airport and we made a pit stop at a delicious restaurant (yay for crab cakes!) for a quick lunch. Afterwards, we settled in at Lauren's house and then I accompanied Lauren to her children's daycare to pick them up. Later that evening, we all went out to eat at a German restaurant, which we followed up with a frozen yogurt adventure, much to Reid's delight. The next day, we shared a delicious crepe breakfast in downtown Annapolis (right outside the entrance to the naval academy) and walked around the pier. The kids especially loved throwing cheerios to the ducks. Later, after a nap, the Mahers and Laydens drove to Capitol Hill and spent time with Christine, Olivia, Ryan, Wally, Sara, Fadi, Tala, and Naji at a cookout hosted by the Daltons. The highlight of the cookout for the adults (besides spending time together) was the pork. The highlight of the cookout for the kids was backyard fun with the water house. Overall, it was a really nice day! On our last day, the Mahers and Laydens and Christine ate breakfast together (Panera takeout) and played for a while before meeting the Daltons at the local pool. The kids walked around the kiddie pool and played with toys while the adults sat in the shade and chatted. After Reid fell asleep and the Daltons and Christine left, we ordered food from the club house and ate by the pool. After a few more hours of quality time together, our time in Annapolis came to a close. What a weekend to remember!

P.S. I also remember the plane ride home (fidgeting, crying, etc.) but am hoping to forget it one day...



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