Monday, June 12, 2017

All Things BBL

My BBL is growing up! In a few days, he will be 20 months old - just 4 months away from 2! Simple math, yes, but the fact that I will have a 2 year old in the blink of an eye is crazy! It has been so much fun to watch Reid grow and learn new things every day, and I am hoping this blog will help me memorialize some of the special things he does. For just over one month, we have been living with my parents at their house, and it has been so nice for Reid (and us) to spend time with them. Every morning, Reid runs into the kitchen looking for Grandma and Grandpa, and he does the same when I bring him home from school in the afternoons. He especially loves sitting on Grandma's lap in the morning and eating her ezekial toast (with almond butter, honey, and chia seeds). Grandma is also his favorite playmate when it comes to playing in the backyard with balls, agua, and bubbles! He also loves playing with Grandpa - mimicking the way Grandpa fixes his hair and making Grandpa get off his recliner so he can steal it from him (and repeat)! Grandma and Grandpa left for North Carolina yesterday - we will really miss seeing them every day!

With the exception of last night (2 AM parties aren't like they were in my early 20's!) and two other nights (which I am hoping are flukes), Reid has adjusted very well to living with my parents. He has been sleeping well, eating well, and making everybody laugh with his endearing toddler antics. He is still obsessed with all things FRUIT, loves playing in the water (or "agua" as he insists on saying), lives for bubbles and balls (both of which he can say on repeat), enjoys dancing (especially to Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle, Ring around the Rosy, and Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes), will point out body party (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, bellybutton/beebo, etc.) with great joy and enthusiasm, and gives the best hugs and kisses in the entire universe! He is also a climber- if you turn your back for a minute, you may find him sitting on a chair, the couch, or even a table. Apparently, he loves to show off his climbing skills at daycare, too - we were recently informed that he and his BFF Jack crawled IN the water tables during water day and proceeded to splash around with glee.  Also, one of Reid's newest joys is bubble baths. He has always enjoyed bath time, but he has really started to relish his time in the bath- swimming and splashing around.  He also loves "swimming" in the pool, especially when daddy or mommy throw him in the air (after he points to the sky saying "up, up, up," we cannot resist). Oh, and it would be a total mom-fail if I failed to mention his greatest loves (besides berries) - pacifiers (pa pa) and books! At bed time, he crawls into the rocking chair with a pa pa (or 3) in hand and a book. Lately, he has been laying on the bed next to the rocking chair so we can read him a book - sometimes he will even "read" the book to us!

Truthfully, the list of things that BBL enjoys is long and inspiring - he reminds me daily to seek joy in the seemingly mundane and normal moments I tend to take for granted.  He is funny, heartwarming, and loveable. Bring on month 20!

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