Thursday, December 21, 2017


In honor of Grandma's birthday, we ventured to Gaylord Palms for the weekend last weekend with the Beaman, Rios, and Clark crews.  On Friday night, we met for dinner at Wreckers sports bar and walked around the giant hotel, marveling at the Christmas decor. The kids also enjoyed running around on the giant green space behind the restaurant. On Saturday, we shared a nice brunch together before checking out the ICE! exhibit (so impressive, and Reid even went down the ice slide on his own!) and Christmas Market, mailing letters to Santa, enjoying hot chocolate, making new friends at Build-a-Bear (Reid named his Olaf snowman, "OoAh" and is obsessed with the guitar accessory he picked out), and running around the hotel. Andy and I then walked Reid around outside in his stroller for a while until he (finally) fell asleep. Once Reid was in slumber land, Andy and I joined my sisters, brother-in-laws, Reid's cousins, and my dad by the pool until Reid began to wake up. Next up - story time with Ms. Claus, decorating/eating gingerbread men, and more running around the hotel like crazy people. Later that night, the adults enjoyed dinner at The Moor, while the kids enjoyed torturing (ha, kidding?) their babysitters. Before returning to the crazy kiddos (again, kidding?), the adults were able to watch the Cirque:Unwrapped show in the hotel atrium. What an exciting and nerve-wracking show!  I was even able to sneak in some frozen yogurt before venturing back upstairs. The next morning, Andy, Reid, Grandpa, and I enjoyed breakfast at La Flor, where Reid was able to hug on Charlie Brown and Lucy. Then, it was time to pack up and hit the road. While I packed, Andy and Reid enjoyed the giant pool.  Next stop: New Port Richey for the annual Ackley Christmas!

Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa, for a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


I once read an article about altruism being the most important trait you can teach to your children. I think I read that article before I had Reid, and I felt compelled to make a promise to myself to remember this sentiment. Now, I feel just as strongly, if not more strongly, that I want Reid to grow up to be an altruistic child and man - no matter what cards he is dealt (good or bad). However, I am also more aware of the real-life complexities that pop up and get in the way of altruism. For example, toddlers aren't great at sharing, and I'm not really sure when he can fully grasp the concept of altruism. Also, life is busy and it is hard to find time to expose Reid to volunteering and helping others as much as I had hoped. Before Reid was born, Andy and I were pretty involved in the life of our little brother (BBBS), for example, and it has become increasingly more difficult to spend time with him since having Reid (plus, other concerns have popped up). Yet, the best way for Reid to learn about the importance of helping others is, in my opinion, to show him. Luckily, I have some very giving and thoughtful people in my life that serve as wonderful examples for Reid. One of them is my niece, Ellison. At 9 years old, she really impresses me with her care and sensitivity towards others. Recently, I took her to Panera to pick a name off the Angel Tree. She found two names that she was drawn to, and I agreed to get presents for these two girls. I spent about ten minutes on Amazon buying presents for these girls - a nice sentiment but one that required very little effort. About a week or so later, I invited Ellison to return to Panera to drop off the gifts and a card, if she liked. I expected a quick doodle with a generic message, if anything, but she showed up at my house with two craft kits and grand ideas. After quite a long, extended breakfast at Panera, with Ellison and Reid crafting the whole time while Andy and I ate two (!) breakfasts, we were finally able to bundle up the gifts and homemade cards for the two unknown girls. Ellison put so much thought in to both cards, and I am sure that the two little girls will be happy to receive personal messages from their unknown friend. And I am happy that Reid sat at the "craft table" with Ellison for over an hour (maybe two?) and may one day look back at pictures and understand the importance of doing nice things for others that are genuine and full of love.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Gobble 'Til You Wobble

Let's be real for a moment, shall we? I am blessed, or lucky, or a mix of the two. It doesn't matter how you label it- there are many things I am incredibly grateful for. My children (!), my husband, my family (in-laws included), my pup (crazy, loveable Finn), and the grace I am afforded on a daily basis top the list. But still, I have hard days. The day before Thanksgiving was a hard day- my car was broken in to while at the park with Reid and, although my purse and other items were stolen, I was most jarred by the feeling of being victimized. I mean who breaks in to a car (with a car seat and children's toys scattered throughout) in the middle of the afternoon at a park on the day before Thanksgiving!? I was frustrated, I was mad, I was sad, and I was more than a little bit anxious about everything I would need to get replaced and paid for (and the time it would take) to make myself and my car "whole."  But then,  I was able to spend the following four days surrounded by people I love and that love me - people that support me and are there for me. At the end of the weekend, I only felt sad- not for me, but for the person that broke in to my car. How desperate and lost that person must have felt. I am grateful that I do not understand that person's motivations and desperation and, hopefully, never will. Recently, I had a health scare (tachycardia episode), and in the hours that followed, once I knew that I was okay and my baby girl was okay, I was once again overwhelmed with gratitude. To be able to live my life with so much support around me (of all varieties) is a gift. Every time I walk around downtown Orlando during lunchtime and see the many homeless people walking around, every time I see a post about a sick child or a relative that has passed, every time that I experience a health scare or worry about a family member's health, and every time I am faced with my own insecurities and weaknesses, I remember soon after how much I have been given in this life.  I am reminded of the same during the happier moments of my day, too, which are too numerous to list here. I hope that Reid and Baby Girl grow up with a sense of gratitude that is always at the ready - in the good times and in the trying times.  Now, on to my Thanksgiving recap!

On the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Andy, Reid, and I (and Nee Nee and Apa) joined the Clark and Rios family at Grandma and Grandpa's for a delicious, early Thanksgiving.  From the fried turkey (thanks, Dad!) to the green beans, sweet potato casserole, broccoli cheese casserole, etc., the food was a hit (thanks, Mom!). The kids ran around like they always do and the adults were able to sneak away for some quiet-ish conversation in the dining room. At the end of the night, Olivia, Dylan, and Charlie treated us all to some dancing and song. Although Reid copied Olivia's moves and tried to keep up, Olivia was definitely the star of the show! De ja vu, anyone? Flashbacks to Thanksgivings when K-bo was a little star?

On Thanksgiving Day, the same crew (minus the Clarks) met up at my Aunt Suad's house for a larger Thanksgiving feast. Since I grew up with my immediate family (Mom and Dad) hosting Thanksgiving, the last few years have taken some adjusting to. It just isn't the same as years past when we would all gather at my parents' home, watch my dad fry the turkey(s) in the backyard and my mom run around the kitchen, and generally stress out together trying to get the house ready for 35ish people. Still, we had a very nice Thanksgiving, and I think this past Thanksgiving was my favorite one yet at my Aunt's house. Food was delicious and the company was great. Plus, Reid was able to proudly don his "Gobble 'Til You Wobble" shirt and chow down on cranberry relish (in between reading a book on the lazy chair and playing outside), so I know he enjoyed himself. Later in the evening, we were able to meet up with Dom, Aaron, Scotty, Gage (and re-meet up with N and A) at Linda DiPasqua's home. Although we didn't stay for food (no room in our stomachs!), it was nice to see everyone for a quick visit.  As icing on the cake, we were able to spend most of the rest of the weekend with the Layden clan, and we even had special house guests in the form of Scotty and Gage! Until next year!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Elmo's world!

Mama (me) had grand plans of transforming Reid in to Bam Bam or Cupid or some other being/creature for Halloween that allowed him to reach his full potential as a curly-haired blonde and blue-eyed toddler.  But, as someone says somewhere, plans are for the birds (which, I never really understood, but alas...). Reid does not know who Bam Bam or Cupid are, and he did not care to dress up as Bam Bam when I tried to convince him to wear Dylan's old Bam Bam costume.  For those of you reading this (which is probably only Jenn) that have tried to convince a toddler to wear something he doesn't want to wear, I do not need to describe the tantrum that inevitably follows the moment an undesired piece of clothing emerges before said toddler's eyes.  For me, a costume battle was not in the cards this year, and I reluctantly bough Reid the highly coveted Elmo costume.  Reid and I visited the Spirit Halloween Store, and he gravitated towards Elmo instantly. Because I knew his love for Winnie the Pooh (honey!) and Tigger (jump!) were overtaking his love for Elmo at a rapid speed, I also looked for WtP and Tigger costumes.  It turns out, the majority of American toddlers live in colder regions and would appreciate a bulky, thick WtP or Tigger costume, but I knew the chances of Reid getting heat stroke were high and we passed on those beauties.  Elmo it was. And boy did Reid love his Elmo costume. He donned it for the first time on the Saturday before Halloween when we walked to a Halloween party at the Maitland Community Park with the Clarks. Olivia joined us, as did the Chapmans (Ander the lion!), and Reid refused to take his Elmo costume off the entire time. There were indentations in his wrists and ankles and his hair was plastered to his hot, sweaty scalp by the time we wrangled the costume off him, but Reid could not care less.  A costume success, indeed!
Welcome to Elmo's world! Fa la la la.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Reid's First Trip to Walt Disney World!

Reid's first journey to the magical land of Mickey Mouse (or "Mickey Mou" as he refers to him) did not disappoint.  Andy and I were both able to take a Friday off work, the weather was beautiful, and Reid was in awe throughout our little family adventure. We took the ferry to the park and the monorail home at the end of the day, which were nice ways to begin and end our day. Also, for the first time, Reid didn't display utter fear of a costumed character, and he approached Winnie the Pooh with relative ease (after telling us multiple times that Winnie the Pooh left to get more honey after he disappeared for a few minutes - "Pooh Honey, Pooh Honey"). We all rode on It's a Small World, Winnie the Pooh ride, Little Mermaid ride, and the steam train around the outside of the park. Andy and Reid also road on the teacups and the Dumbo ride. In addition to the rides, we all enjoyed the singing bear show, Mickey's Philharmagic (although Reid did get slightly overwhelmed), and the singing dinosaur (?) at the diner in Tomorrowland. Reid also enjoyed seeing the cars zoom by when he briefly watched other, bigger kids race cars, and we all enjoyed the Fantasyland parade. Reid even waved at Mickey and Minnie with delight.  The highlight of the day for Reid, I think, was meeting Pooh (and Eeyore- he barely missed meeting Tigger, who was bouncing around much to Reid's delight).  The intermittent, infrequent fireworks terrified Reid, but other than those instances, he was not phased by the crowds and noise everywhere.  He was also very excited to receive a special stuffed Tigger as a souvenir, and he has barely let Tigger out of his sight since. In fact, you can often find him bouncing Tigger around the house or up and down as he sits in his carseat, without prompting and without the knowledge anybody is watching him. He can also be found singing the Winnie the Pooh song ("Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh") throughout the day, and his love for Moana continues to grow ("Mo-Ana").  I think we have a lifelong Disney fan on our hands (Disney knows what it is doing). All in all, I call our second Disney experience (we took him to Animal Kingdom last year) a great success!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Reid's Mickey Mouse Birthday Party!

Reid had a fantastic birthday party! This year, we decided on a low-key birthday dinner (and dessert) with family. Grandma, Scotty, Gage, and the Rios family were sorely missed, but the Clarks, Grandpa, Dom, Aaron, Nee Nee, and Apa were able to celebrate our little boy with us. As an added bonus, Nee Nee and Apa picked Reid up from school and spent the day with him (yay for the Science Center). I was able to leave work early and was waiting at the house when they arrived home from the Science Center.  Luckily for me, I have an awesome niece (and nephew and sister) who decorated the house in a Mickey Mouse theme. They really spent time planning and buying and decorating, and it was so sweet to know the love that went into everything. Reid loved it...and so did I! Between streamers, balloons, whistles, Mickey Mouse hats, confetti, and even a fruit "cake" with a chocolate fountain...everything was perfect. Andy picked up Athena's on the way home for dinner for everybody, and we were all able to sit down and enjoy a meal together. Then, Jenn stuck a candle in the midst of the fruit "cake" and we all sang to Reid, while he sat at the table like a big boy with a big smile on his face. As soon as he finished blowing out the candle, he pulled the whole platter of fruit towards him.  Later, when I  gave him some chocolate to dip the fruit in, his smile grew even wider. I am so grateful for the love surrounding my sweet boy!

Monday, October 16, 2017

We have a 2 year old!

I woke up this morning with a sense of excitement and awe. Reid, our 7 lb 11 oz baby boy (two years ago), has a firm grasp on toddlerhood and is showing no sign of slowing down! Instead, his growth over the past year has been exponential, and I have reveled in every milestone he has met and, then, surpassed. Hard moments have been scattered amongst happy memories, but I miss my little man fiercely and deeply when I am apart from him, and my heart is so full when he is near. I believe Andy feels the same. Being Reid's "Mommy" (he started referencing Andy and me as "Mommy and Daddy" over the past few weeks) is heart wrenching and filling all the same, and I would never want to live my life without my little sidekick. Happy Birthday, Reid Andrew Layden!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Memorable Moments

The Layden household has seen its share of memorable moments, starring Reid, over the past few months. I feel so guilty that I haven't the blog in a while - I guess I  have been too busy living out the moments that I have neglected documenting them. Also, I am 14 weeks pregnant and have been really exhausted and have not been feeling that well throughout the majority of this pregnancy so far. I'm also a perfectionist and feel like I have to upload pictures with each post, but it is a multi-step process to upload pictures while at work (where I make most of my blog posts from.. shh)- so I am reluctant to upload the blog until I have a lot of time to do so. Time is something I haven't had much of lately. Anyway, on to the important stuff.

My little baby is growing up so fast! His vocabulary is expanding rapidly, he is running every where, he is showing his goofy and moody sides, and he is still as sweet and loveable as ever. I will update more in honor of his second birthday, but here are some recent memories that I want to document for years to come....

1. Winnie the Pooh
Reid has become more into role-playing recently. He loves putting his stuffed animals to "night-night" (Speaking of, Pay Pay the penguin, Eee Eee the monkey, and Mickey Mou are current favorites), and he loves bathing his toy cars or whatever we will let him take in the bath with him. He also mimics me when I sing or make funny noises or movements. The other day, my mom was watching him and she told me they had a fun morning of role-playing- Reid was pretending to be Winnie the Pooh and was eating bowls of honey like Winnie the Pooh. Of course, he loved it! (Sugar!) He has since asked for "bowl of honey" for breakfast, and he told me he played "Pooh, Honey" with grandma. I think he is tricking Grandma in to giving him honey, but it is pretty darn cute!

2. The Scooter
The Clarks gifted Reid a blue and orange scooter for his birthday, and he is in love! He asks to go on the scooter (or "bice" which means "bike") every day. Most days, we let him scoot around on the back patio. He always insists on wearing his helmet (good boy), and he usually just walks the scooter around. Yesterday, he put both feet on the scooter for a minute, which was pretty exciting. He even mimicked the action of scooting with one foot on and one foot off. Once he figures out how to actually scoot, it will be hard to catch him! I can't wait for him to see the bike that his Grandma and Grandpa got him for his birthday.

Well, it is quitting time for me! More stories to come later.