Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Memorable Moments

The Layden household has seen its share of memorable moments, starring Reid, over the past few months. I feel so guilty that I haven't the blog in a while - I guess I  have been too busy living out the moments that I have neglected documenting them. Also, I am 14 weeks pregnant and have been really exhausted and have not been feeling that well throughout the majority of this pregnancy so far. I'm also a perfectionist and feel like I have to upload pictures with each post, but it is a multi-step process to upload pictures while at work (where I make most of my blog posts from.. shh)- so I am reluctant to upload the blog until I have a lot of time to do so. Time is something I haven't had much of lately. Anyway, on to the important stuff.

My little baby is growing up so fast! His vocabulary is expanding rapidly, he is running every where, he is showing his goofy and moody sides, and he is still as sweet and loveable as ever. I will update more in honor of his second birthday, but here are some recent memories that I want to document for years to come....

1. Winnie the Pooh
Reid has become more into role-playing recently. He loves putting his stuffed animals to "night-night" (Speaking of, Pay Pay the penguin, Eee Eee the monkey, and Mickey Mou are current favorites), and he loves bathing his toy cars or whatever we will let him take in the bath with him. He also mimics me when I sing or make funny noises or movements. The other day, my mom was watching him and she told me they had a fun morning of role-playing- Reid was pretending to be Winnie the Pooh and was eating bowls of honey like Winnie the Pooh. Of course, he loved it! (Sugar!) He has since asked for "bowl of honey" for breakfast, and he told me he played "Pooh, Honey" with grandma. I think he is tricking Grandma in to giving him honey, but it is pretty darn cute!

2. The Scooter
The Clarks gifted Reid a blue and orange scooter for his birthday, and he is in love! He asks to go on the scooter (or "bice" which means "bike") every day. Most days, we let him scoot around on the back patio. He always insists on wearing his helmet (good boy), and he usually just walks the scooter around. Yesterday, he put both feet on the scooter for a minute, which was pretty exciting. He even mimicked the action of scooting with one foot on and one foot off. Once he figures out how to actually scoot, it will be hard to catch him! I can't wait for him to see the bike that his Grandma and Grandpa got him for his birthday.

Well, it is quitting time for me! More stories to come later.


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