Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Reid's Mickey Mouse Birthday Party!

Reid had a fantastic birthday party! This year, we decided on a low-key birthday dinner (and dessert) with family. Grandma, Scotty, Gage, and the Rios family were sorely missed, but the Clarks, Grandpa, Dom, Aaron, Nee Nee, and Apa were able to celebrate our little boy with us. As an added bonus, Nee Nee and Apa picked Reid up from school and spent the day with him (yay for the Science Center). I was able to leave work early and was waiting at the house when they arrived home from the Science Center.  Luckily for me, I have an awesome niece (and nephew and sister) who decorated the house in a Mickey Mouse theme. They really spent time planning and buying and decorating, and it was so sweet to know the love that went into everything. Reid loved it...and so did I! Between streamers, balloons, whistles, Mickey Mouse hats, confetti, and even a fruit "cake" with a chocolate fountain...everything was perfect. Andy picked up Athena's on the way home for dinner for everybody, and we were all able to sit down and enjoy a meal together. Then, Jenn stuck a candle in the midst of the fruit "cake" and we all sang to Reid, while he sat at the table like a big boy with a big smile on his face. As soon as he finished blowing out the candle, he pulled the whole platter of fruit towards him.  Later, when I  gave him some chocolate to dip the fruit in, his smile grew even wider. I am so grateful for the love surrounding my sweet boy!

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