Monday, October 16, 2017

We have a 2 year old!

I woke up this morning with a sense of excitement and awe. Reid, our 7 lb 11 oz baby boy (two years ago), has a firm grasp on toddlerhood and is showing no sign of slowing down! Instead, his growth over the past year has been exponential, and I have reveled in every milestone he has met and, then, surpassed. Hard moments have been scattered amongst happy memories, but I miss my little man fiercely and deeply when I am apart from him, and my heart is so full when he is near. I believe Andy feels the same. Being Reid's "Mommy" (he started referencing Andy and me as "Mommy and Daddy" over the past few weeks) is heart wrenching and filling all the same, and I would never want to live my life without my little sidekick. Happy Birthday, Reid Andrew Layden!

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