Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Reid Updates, Part II!

In addition to clear expansion in his vocabulary and play-acting (i.e. he will bring us a cookie from his kitchen upon demand), Reid has been growing physically and is becoming more and more independent every day. The minute we pick him up from daycare, he motions for his lunchbox, which he proudly carries as he walks down the hallway. Some days, he will hold on to his lunchbox for the entire trip home and will carry it around the house until dinner time. He also continues to love balls (throwing, kicking, carrying around) and gets a lot of joy out of seeing Finn run after balls in the backyard or in the living room. However, if Finn doesn't relinquish the ball as fast as Reid likes, Reid will wag his finger at him and tell him "da," which mean "drop." Usually, Finn abides and prevents a nuclear meltdown like only a toddler can have. Reid loves giving directions to adults, too. He frequently tells Andy and I where to sit, what to retrieve for him (blueberries! strawberries!), what to pick up, etc. He also loves going to playgrounds and climbing on anything he can find. Recently, we took him to Azalea Lane playground and he was really excited to see trains pass by, although he did get frightened when one train (Amtrak) was a little too loud and a little too close. He has a similar love/hate relationship with his little toy Thomas the Train remote control train, and he will rush to protect his other toys from the path of the train whenever we are playing with it. Oh, and of course he continues to love giving kisses (even to himself) and bubbles and playing in the water. Never a dull moment in the Layden household!

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