Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Reid updates!

Reid has been so much fun lately, and we have loved watching him explore the world. He recently began really enjoying play-acting with his toys, and he loves finding cats and smelling flowers on our frequent blue car walks around the neighborhood. While he hasn't started speaking in full sentences just yet, he has a few words that he uses quite often, such as "mama, dada, mo(more), go ? (where did something go), moon, moo (cow sound), bye or ba (bye)." I have also heard him mimic me with "hoorah" and "yay" and "woo," which is adorable. Besides mimicking, he has also been enjoying hide-and-seek, and he will hide behind the plant in the corner of our living room with delight as Dada and I ask an empty room (or Finn), "Where did Reid go?", and he will then pop out from behind the plant with glee. We love our little toddlerman!

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