Tuesday, August 23, 2016

You Were Once the Size of a Sweet Pea!

Dear BBL,

Your Daddy and I were so excited to meet you on October 16, 2015. Since then, we have loved watching you grow over the past 10+ months (cue the cliche question-- "where did the time go!?").  You are now a whopping 22+ pounds, but did you know that you were once the size of a sweet pea? Actually, I believe the first food product that you were equated to was a poppy seed. By the time you were born, you were (at least) the size of a watermelon! It was a lot of fun to watch my stomach grow over the course of the 41 weeks you held residency inside, but I am very happy you broke free and are now living your life on the outside. And that I am not currently toting a watermelon around in the summer heat. Now for a walk down memory lane...

April 25, 2015: food baby or real baby? hard to know for sure...
April 30, 2015: ding ding ding! a real baby for the win!

May 20, 2015: hopefully, you slept through mom's boring work days!
May 27, 2015 <3

July 4, 2015: baby's first trip to Beech Mountain, NC - hanging out with Jenn and Graham at the mountain-top bar
August 16, 2015: dressed up to attend a beautiful "Goodnight Moon" themed baby shower at Judge Conway's home

August 30, 2015: right before we attended a birthing class and stuck our hand in bags of ice for a couple of minutes to mimic the pain of contractions - ha, no comment!

October 2, 2015: anxious to meet you!

October 15, 2015: the night before your big reveal!

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