Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Ten Months Old!

BBL is ten months (and 1 week) old, and his development has really been taking off lately. He says "mama, dada, baba, ja ("jump"), up, and ma ("more food"), albeit very inconsistently. He loves jumping and will bend his knees and start bouncing when he wants to jump. He is also becoming more vocal about things he does not want to do - namely, ride in the carseat or get things taken away from him that he isn't supposed to play with (remote controls, eye glasses, dog toys, dog food, etc.) He has been taking off with the help of his lion walker and crawls everywhere-but mostly towards the kitchen pantry and dog bowls at high speed. While he hasn't started walking unassisted yet, he does pull himself up and cruise along furniture. Here are some other fun facts about Reid at ten months old:

1. He has 6 teeth- 4 on top and 2 on bottom
2. He likes to clap and bounce/dance along to music
3. He is obsessed with Finn and loves watching Finn chase water from the hose
4. He is starting to really enjoy his water table and splashing in the water
5. He loves when mommy blows bubbles and pops them
6. He loves opening and closing books and doors or flaps of any kind
7. He will eat anything (including leave--- eek), although he prefers his spinach mixed with applesauce :)
8. He loves playing with tupperware and kitchen utensils, mainly measuring cups and wooden spoons
9. He sleeps with no less than three pacifiers in his crib (one with a stuffed elephant attached) every night and will gather them all when he wakes up and occasionally play with them in the middle of the night
10. His favorite toys at the moment are textured blocks, books, the rolling telephone, and the items mentioned in *8 - although eye glasses, cellphones, and remote controls would top the list if they are considered "toys"
11. He loves when people pop out at him (peekaboo) and make funny noises
12. He is enamored with watching young children play, and he really loves spending time with his cousins

There are so many things I could write about BBL- he is such a happy baby and so much fun to watch and love. He just switched daycare facilities last week and, while that has been an adjustment, he has been the star of both daycare facilities. Seriously. At the first one, his nickname was "the handsome one."  At his new daycare, he is known as "the moviestar." Regardless, he is definitely a star in our eyes!

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