Monday, May 9, 2016

Let the blogging commence! First, why the blog title?

"Find your beach" is a common adage in the Layden household.   This simple phrase reminds us to appreciate the smaller things in life and find joy in the chaos. The biggest joy in our lives right now is our little man, Reid. Yes, our life is chaotic, messy, and stressful at times...but it is also so, so joyful.  We want to remember this precious time in our lives, so this blog is our effort to memorialize life with BBL- and any future babes that may come our way.  Please join us on our blogging adventure.*

*Caveat: Life is not always sunshine and rainbows (with a smattering of magical unicorns and trees made of money that grow in abundance). Our blog posts may not always make you smile or help you "find your beach," but we invite you along for the ride anyway!

Ashley and Andy