Monday, May 16, 2016

Birthday Celebrations!

Overall, we had a very nice weekend celebrating Andy's 30th! On Friday morning, we kicked off Andy's birthday weekend with breakfast at Croissant Gourmet. After work, we picked up BBL and headed to Armando's in College Park for a quick drink before dinner with some friends (also at Armando's).  Dinner was delicious and the company was great- our only complaint is that the air conditioner was broken and it was toasty in our corner of the restaurant.  Anyway, after a nice Friday night, we woke up on Saturday and went on a long walk with BBL and Finn before meeting family at the Ravenous Pig for lunch (thanks for treating us, Grandpa/Apa L!). Afterwards, the Beaman/Clark/Rios faction joined the party at our house, and we enjoyed a fun afternoon of pie, slip-n-slide, and again, great company! Later that evening, Andy and I joined some of my co-workers at Escapology where we broke into Fidel Castro's office and found KGB papers as members of the FBI- AND successfully escaped Castro's office before he returned from his afternoon errands. Next, we drove to Dom and Aaron's abode where we enjoyed vino and grub and played a raucous game of Cards against Humanity with Dom, Aaron, and Scotty. To wrap up the birthday weekend, we spent some time with Nee Nee, Apa, Scotty, Gage, Aaron, and Dom at our house and at Dartmouth Park on Sunday morning. On Sunday afternoon, we fit in a quick trip to Costco, Whole Foods, and Grandma and Grandpa Beaman's house before binge watching The Americans and closing the door on a successful birthday weekend. Although we had very little sleep and poor Reid spiked a fever on Saturday night that we spent the next 48 + hours worrying about, I loved the quality time we were able to spend with family and friends . . . not a bad start to 30 for Andy!

Reid enjoying happy hour at Armando's

Cousins playing with cars at Ravenous Pig

Daddy and his boy at Ravenous Pig
Our attempt at a family cake picture

Sweet baby Charlie joined the party

The Layden Trio on Saturday night

Scotty, Gage, and Reid playing on Sunday morning

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