Friday, May 13, 2016

Happy Birthday to Dad!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Andy a.k.a "Dada."* BBL doesn't know it yet, but he is so fortunate to be able to call Andy "Dadadada," or whatever variant of "Dad" sticks in our household. What an awesome dad you have, Mr. Reid, and what a great husband I have! The past month has been one of the more difficult months in our little world, and the below picture is one example of the many times that "Dada" stayed up throughout the early morning hours rocking Reid so that he was able to breathe deeply enough to sleep in the midst of a horrible cold and double ear infection. All without complaints or hesitation. Although it reminds me of a difficult night/morning, it always makes my heart happy to see what an amazing father Andy is to our baby boy (which I see on a daily basis). On a lighter note, the second picture below was taken this morning when we went to Croissant Gourmet before work to start off Andy's birthday celebration...I think it was a nice introduction to Andy's 30's. <3 WELCOME TO YOUR 30's, ANDY!


* Sidenote: Reid is capable of saying "Dadadada" and has been for a few weeks, although he does not yet say it to any particular person or thing. He can also say "mamamama" and "babababa."

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