Thursday, December 5, 2019

So much to share!

I have found that, during this particular period in my life and even in the midst of a seemingly monotonous life, so much growth and excitement abounds within the ordinary grind. For me, it takes a moment of quiet reflection to really notice and appreciate the changes that have been happening in our household lately but, when I do take that time, it is amazing to think about. Mostly, I am talking about the ways both kids have changed developmentally over the past few months. Adeline's vocabulary has blossomed and she is now stringing multiple words together in to sentences. Of course, some of her words are largely unintelligible to the untrained ear, but I am particularly adept and understanding words like "mee-ow" (for "milk") and "Ree" (for "Reid") and "err are ew" (where are you") and "pee bow" ("for "peek a boo"). She is funny, sassy, strong-willed, loving and, especially in the late afternoons and early mornings, a stage 5 clinger. Meanwhile, Reid's imagination has been going stronger and you can often find him fully entrenched in some sort of physical game where he is a ninja or Sonic the Hedgehog or some sort of superhero. He keeps us on our toes with his physical hi-jinks and fierce independent streak, but he is also incredibly loving and kind (especially to his baby sister). With the holidays fast approaching, both kids have been floating on a whole new level of excitement (Cloud 9 times 100). While the copious amounts of sugar that surround us at all times during the holiday season certain help trigger some excitement, the joy and love (yay family time) surrounding the season are palpable and I am certain the kids feel it all. Yay for holidays!

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