Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Imagination overload

Reid is at such a fun age and stage right now. Much to my delight, his imagination has been running wild, and he is constantly entertaining us with his stories. Last night, he pretended that the chaise lounge was a boat and he was the captain (he called himself "the Capt"). After urging all of us to get on the boat with him, he told us he was sailing to America. Once there, he would say his prayers and waive the flag. Then he would eat dinner. I assume he learned all of this in school through lessons on Thanksgiving- regardless, it was an adorable voyage! He also loves dressing up like characters from PJ Mask, putting out fires around the house with and without a fireman costume, going on dinosaur rides with daddy, and singing made up songs about all sorts of things he comes across in his daily life. Tomorrow, I get to spend the day with him (yay for boss being out of town), and he has requested that we go to "the park with the big rock." Said park is actually Phelps Park- he enjoys jumping off the big rock there and playing superhero or whatever else he cares to be. I can't wait to find out!

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