Monday, October 1, 2018

And here we go again..

Another month, another blog post. It seems like the days/weeks/months are flying by way too quickly. Addie is almost 6 months, and Reid is almost 3 years old. As A becomes more and more responsive and smiley, R is putting lots of complex sentences together, learning and singing new songs, and showing us just how big his imagination can grow. One of the best developments is an increasing connection between both kids. R is smitten with A and will go up to her and hug her and kiss on her without any sort of coaxing from yours truly. He loves when she makes eye contact with him and smiles at him and even seems to enjoy when she pulls his hair. Yesterday, we spent the day in Tampa/Suncity Center celebrating Gage's 5th birthday. According to Andy, Gage told Reid he was so lucky that he gets to spend all day with Adeline. So Sweet and so true. Adeline is lucky to spend the day with Reid, too. Yay for siblings!

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