Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Quality Time with Baby Boy Layden

As Baby Girl Layden's due date approaches, I have been experiencing a lot of emotions about Reid's life as an only (human) child coming to an end. I am excited and grateful to be able to give Reid a sibling, but I am nervous about how Reid will receive his little sister and share attention with her. I don't want the love and attention that I give Baby Girl to detract from the love and attention I give Reid. I know, to a degree, my attention will be split between my children - especially in the early years. However, I really want Reid to feel completely and totally loved through all of the trials of raising two young children. For now, I am trying to stock up on  a lot of quality time with Reid.  This past Friday, I was able to leave work early and take Reid to Azalea Lane Park (the "Choo Choo Park"). Andy met us there, and we all enjoyed a beautiful Florida day with our little love. Reid loved sitting in the metal train and playing make-believe with the mulch (making pizza, chicken, strawberries, etc.). He also loved running to the corner of the playground with all of the other kids whenever a train came by. Andy and I loved watching him explore his world with intense wonder and curiosity - his imagination is really taking off lately. On Sunday, we took Reid on an adventure to the Crayola Experience. Reid loved every minute of it, but he especially loved the play area where he could climb and go down a large slide. He kept up with the older kids without issue, which was a bit anxiety-provoking for me. He also enjoyed making different crafts with the crayola crayons (wax mold, drip art). Afterwards, we enjoyed lunch at Le Madeline.  We ended the day with a family swim in our pool. We also spent time going on "scooty" rides, playing with cars, and otherwise enjoyed a lot of family time together.

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