Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Santa Claus is Coming to Town...

The good news is that Reid is on the "nice" list (so far) this year. The not-so-good-news is that Reid didn't love his visit with Santa. He wasn't scared of Santa, and he isn't known to shy away from the camera; however, his visit with Santa required taking a cracker away from a very over-tired toddler- talk about tragic! Poor Reid was beside himself during the bulk of his visit with Santa, and he fell asleep within five minutes of getting off Santa's lap. I'm sure his dreams were filled with Christmas magic, though.

Oh, and the other good news? We only waited about five minutes to visit with Santa. For those of you who have visited the Santa at Mall at Millenia, you can appreciate that this was, truly, a Christmas miracle.
This sums it up for me.

Eye on the cracker...

"Who does this guy think he is?" - Reid

"The sooner I smile, the sooner I get my cracker back." - Reid

Monday, November 21, 2016

Wild and One!

BBL turned one year old last month, and I am still in disbelief how fast a year flew by. I have been told that, when you have children, the days are long and the years are short. Based on my thirteen months of experience, I would say I agree. This past year has been amazing, tiring, fulfilling, draining, inspiring, and full of so much love and gratitude. Even on the most trying days with BBL, I am so thankful for him and the ways he has helped me grow and appreciate the love between a parent and his/her child. It is truly inexplicable. So, that being said, let's move on to BBL updates.

I would say the biggest changes I have seen in Reid over the past month are the ways his cognition is blossoming. He seems to be mimicking us more and recognizing patterns and where things belong, like puzzle pieces and shape blocks. He loves to put lids on and off things, help out in the kitchen ( watch us cook and help stir anything and everything), pacifiers, dogs of all sizes, share his food with Finn, dance, point to items, sign that he is hungry and try to verbally communicate with us when he wants something, open and shut cabinets, bang items together, pick up sticks and mulch, read books, ride in his blue car, and give lots of hugs and kisses. He also loves hitting his head, much to his cousins' and grandma's amusement, but we are trying to break him of that habit. Somewhere along the line, he realized that he could elicit giggles by hitting himself, and he loves making people laugh. You can already tell he is a little entertainer.

Reid also enjoys spending Saturday mornings at MyGym, and he is becoming more fearless with climbing things and venturing into new spaces (i.e. parking lots) without mom and dad. Reid's newfound confidence is a wonderful thing, albeit a bit anxiety-producing for dear old mom... pass the wine, please! Reid also took his first bike ride on the back of dad's bike this past weekend. He wasn't a fan of the helmet, but he seemed to enjoy the ride. We took him to Jingle Eve on the bike, and he fell asleep by the time we got there. As a result, mom got to carry him around in the ergo while enjoying a glass of rose at Washburn and visiting with the McLeods - utter bliss! I see many more bike rides in our future.

Well, that is it for the update this morning. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET BOY!