Thursday, March 30, 2023

All about Jules - One Year Old!

 Wow - I can't believe a year (+) has gone by already! Baby Juliette "Jules" Diana Layden is one! We celebrated with a donut themed party at Maitland Community Park. We had donuts and bagels and coffee and fruit for all! We mostly invited family but did include the Geremias, Chapmans, Rabitailles, McLeods, Gonzalez Fam, Wittmans, and Beers on the invite list (family members from all but the last two came). For family, we had all cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and Laura and Brett join us to celebrate our big girl. Aunt Joann was invited but wasn't feeling well so couldn't join, and Ghada came as a last minute invite via my mom. Anyway, on to the birthday girl...

What a joy Jules is! How Andy describes Jules: "between spunky and silly - very vivacious. I love her squinty smile and she is always happy and active. I love the way she points at everything and loves Finns and balls and her brother and sister. She loves Reid and Addie so much - her face lights up when she sees them - even when she sees a picture of them. It is funny to me how much she knows them and loves them."

I agree with Andy's thoughts and add that Jules seems clever and fun and inquisitive and very cuddly and loving. She loves to give hugs (especially to her bro bro and sis) and put her head down to cuddle up against mama or dada. She crawls everywhere and has started to walk this week unassisted (took a five steps on the 30th- with the help of some yogurt drop urging- and increased on Friday!). She loves snacks (teething biscuits are her jam) and has been transitioning from nursing to the bottle to sippy cups and solids like a champ (full disclosure: she still gets a little of all). She says ba (for bottle and ball and baby - loves her baby dolls), boo for book, and mo (for more) and mama and dada and hiii and bro bro and, as of this morning, I believe she has added Addie to her vocabulary. She can clap and wave and dance (loves to do a circle arm dance with her siblings when they tell her to "dance it out"). She can also shake her head no with intention. We recently ventured to Maryland, Virginia, and DC for spring break and she was a trooper throughout. She sleeps well during the night (typically about 730 pm until about 7 am) and has been traditionally a great napper, although she seems off this week so may be transitioning from 2 to 1 nap a day soon. I really can't say enough about what a wonderful third (kid) addition she has been to our family. Her siblings love her so much and the feeling is mutual. And, of course, Andy and I are obsessed with her. I am so excited to watch my littlest Layden grow into the person she is meant to be. I hope and pray for the privilege of being present and able to watch her (and her siblings) do just that, alongside her daddy. Love you, baby Jules! Can't imagine life without you (and don't want to)!