Monday, July 15, 2019

Life Lately!

There are so many times throughout my week when I think about wanting to write a blog post and, really, needing to write a blog post to document all of the developments and fun that we have been having as a family. Then, I don't. I just don't. I have the time while sitting at my desk and I have the desire, but I struggle with finding the perfect time to write the perfect post. I just love my little man and my little lady so much and I am so impressed with the way they are growing- sometimes, words don't seem to adequately capture this stage. Still, I know I will forget details about the life I am currently living- the busy, chaotic, messy, wonderful, stressful, heart-filling life with two kids under 4 and 2 full time (+) jobs. I so desperately do not want to forget details, even those that seem mundane and typical right now.I know I will treasure reminiscing about all of the little moments and details surrounding this busy period when I am older and when time has taken its toll on my memory. So, with all that being said, here is a little update on life lately...

Ahhh, talk about heart- melting. The sibling bond has been growing in our household. One of my very favorite things is to look in the rear view mirror when driving and see my littles holding hands completely unprompted. I also love when Reid tries to comfort Addie when she is crying, usually by singing a song or trying to tickle her or hand her a toy or feed her a snack. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but it is very clear that Addie looooooves her big brother. I'm pretty sure she even says "brubba," although I am not 100% on that one. She thinks he is hilarious most of the time and only occasionally frustrates him by smacking him (unabashedly) or gleefully taking one of his toys.

Both of the kids have shown great strides in expanding their vocabulary lately. Addie can say bee-boo (for bellybutton) and point to her bellybutton, say and point to doggy (in books), motion and say "mo" for more, say mama, dada, bobby (??), and seemingly, "brubba." She will also wave and say "hi" and occasionally, "bye." Meanwhile, Reid's vocab surprises me on a daily basis. He strings together phrases without a problem, picks up and sings song lyrics, and will say things like "I insisted" and "my choosen" (for my choice) and "gabloon" (for balloon) that melt my heart.

Food: Addie - pizza and strawberries; Reid - pirate's booty, popsicles, candy, and fruit of any kind
Show: Addie - not into it; Reid - Jake and the Neverland Pirates
Movie: Addie - not into it; Reid - Bolt, Puss in Boots
Song: Addie - will dance to most songs; Reid - Old Town Road, some VBS songs

:) :) :)