Tuesday, May 7, 2019

An Update on My Big Boy

Where to begin with updates on Reid? The first thing that comes to mind is that he has been exhibiting an amazing imagination. He easily transforms in to Batman or Superman (often with the help of his highly coveted costumes or pajamas) and runs around the house freezing or hitting or knocking down villains. He also loves to make cars and planes and dragons and any manner of imaginary things with magnatiles and legos or any crafting material he can get his hands on. While he isn't as enamored with drawing, coloring, or painting, he loves to show off his artwork proudly and with gusto. He loves to recruit Andy or me to join him in his imaginary games, and I know he cannot wait until Adeline is older and can join as well. He does try to get her engaged from time to time ("here comes monster baby") but he also doesn't enjoy when she knocks down his creations or fails to play his games as instructed. I know in time they will be wonderful play buddies. Right now, however, his go-to playmate seems to be Dylan. He really looks up to Dylan and characterizes himself more as Dylan's age than Charlies (and gets very defensive if you tell him otherwise). Don't get me wrong, he loves and treasures all his cousins (yay for "cousin parties"), but he has "borrowed" some pretty awesome toys from Dylan (much to my dismay at times-- think nerf and laser guns and a lightsaber sword) and Dylan moves at a fast and exciting pace. Right now, Reid is also in to playing baseball with Dylan, and I foresee many front yard baseball games in their future (and in their now). Reid also enjoys riding his jeep around, singing, playing guitar, and eating all the snacks. Such a special little guy!

Monday, May 6, 2019

One Year

My littlest love is one whole year old. I am not quite sure how we got here so fast, as trite as that is to say. My world before Adeline feels like a lifetime ago. Andy, Reid, and I have been so blessed by her life, and I hope and pray that I am able to watch her and Reid grow in to a happy, healthy adult. I love that little girl beyond measure. In an effort to document these fleeting moments, here are some fun memories and milestones:

1. Addie is starting to walk. As of this week, she can take about 7 steps in a row before she plops down on the floor. I know she has the ability to walk longer, but she gets everywhere she needs to go via crawling (sometimes on her knees, sometimes with her bum in the air) and in a faster, more effortless way. My girl is dramatic, and if you try to urge her to walk on her own when she isn't feeling it, she will put her little head down on the floor and cry/whine until you give up. She is doing things on her own time, and that is okay with us.
*Update: I waited a few days to finish this post because my co-worker came in to my office to chat on Friday afternoon, and I never spend time on my computer over the weekend. I am pleased to announce that Adeline can take more like 20-25 steps now (at least)! She still prefers crawling if she needs to get somewhere fast, but I believe we can call Adeline a "walker" now. You go, Addie girl!

2. Solid food is taking on more and more of a role in Addie's life. She eats a lot of fruit, vegetables, yogurt, cottage cheese, and cheese. She loves berries, soft apples, and cottage cheese the most. She also really enjoys sweet potatoes and bready items.

3. Addie is funny. She loves to play the "I'm gonna get you" game, loves to stick out her tongue and make funny noises, and will often smile and laugh if people around her are laughing. She just learned how to shake her head "no, no, no, no, no," and although I am not at all convinced she knows what she is communicating, she shakes her head with such pleasure and force (shakes her whole body, really)- so cute.

4. Reid and Adeline are developing the sweetest sibling connection. They can (just barely) touch hands when they are in the backseat, and nothing warms my heart more than looking in the rear view mirror and seeing their little hands touching. They often give each other hugs and Addie is so excited to see Reid (and vice versa) when we go pick up Reid from his class in the afternoon.

5. If you want to see a true princess/Ms. America wave,  ask A to wave hello. She has the sweetest disposition and loves waving hi to anyone and everyone - I can absolutely picture her on a parade float one day!

6. Shape sorters are a big hit right now, as is turning light switches on and off. So far, Addie seems to be quite dexterous like her brother. She also loves to dance, enjoys turning the pages on books, and her number one favorite activity is definitely climbing!

7. Addie is my little cuddle bug. She is so loving and will hook her little arm around our arms when holding her or place her head on our chest or shoulder in the sweetest way. I hope she never gets too old to cuddle with her mama.

8. People frequently ask me if Addie is a mama's girl but, honestly, I feel like it depends on the day. She may slightly favor me overall because of our nursing relationship (I am towards the end of my weaning journey now- an emotional time for me that deserves a blog post all its own), but she is enamored with Andy, too. Generally, she does prefer to be held by me or Andy, although it has been a little easier to pass her around lately.

9. Addie's relationship with Finn is nuanced- ha ha. She likes to pet him and watch him, but she loses her mind when he touches while she is eating. He circles her highchair like a starving shark and, although she will put her hand out (with food) from time to time, she will often get upset if he actually takes the food. She also absolutely detests when he licks her in his attempts to lick food off the high chair.

10. Addie likes her pool and water table, and she really liked exploring the beach recently. Her favorite beach activity, unfortunately, was eating the sand. She tends to eat a lot of things off the ground so that wasn't a big surprise, but beach sand was a little too much of a hit. Otherwise, I am very excited for a lot of future beach trips with our babe.


This mama better get back to work and back to counting down the minutes (approx. 45 min as of now) until I get to pick my babies up from school. :)