Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Adeline at 10 Months!

Where, oh where, has the time gone? It sounds trite, but I really feel like Adeline's (almost) first year of life has flown by. While I am enjoying watching her grow, I am also a little bit sad at this revelation. She may be my last baby and she is so sweet and cuddly and little right now- I just want time to slow down, just a little bit. Anyway, my incredibly loveable little one is now ten months old, and listed below are some of her more recent accomplishments and stats:

- Has four teeth on the top and two on the bottom
- Loves eating and feeding herself and favors berries and cottage cheese at the moment
- Still nursing and gets pumped bottles at daycare (2 7oz) and 2-3 oz formula (or BM, depending) bottle (soon to be sippy)
- Loves laughing, especially at her big brother, and will copy someone who is laughing
- Very cuddly, which is mostly good, although she prefers to be rocked and cuddled to sleep...
- Crawling EVERYWHERE and often crawls with her knees in the air like a primate
- Pulls up on things and walks with her walker - she is very proud of herself (and we are proud of her)
- Likes to be thrown (gently and minimally) in the air
- Says Ma Ma and Da Da
- Waves hello and bye bye with her full arm and hand
- Blows kisses and plays peek a boo
- Will give a full-on, open-mouthed kiss- mostly to mommy ;)
- Has a magnetic attraction to Finn, Finn's dog bowls, and cell phones
- Loves to be held, especially my Mommy and Daddy

I think A will be walking any day now. I have already witnessed her stand up unassisted for a second or two. And she is getting better and better at using her lion walker and pulling up on items. Her teachers at school told Andy that she follows the bigger kids around the play area throughout the day and tries to copy what they are doing. Since they are already walking, I am sure she is taking notes. Plus, my baby girl is a smart cookie! Maybe I'm biased- whatever!