Wednesday, January 30, 2019

To My Precious Wild One....

Sometimes, it is way too easy to get lost in the rush of the day. I  have routines and deadlines. Not to mention laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, and all the rest of my never-ending-to-dos. The days can be exhausting on every level- physically, mentally, and emotionally. Feelings can be complex and I can feel especially weary when you are in the midst of a meltdown or when you ask the same questions over and over and over again, hoping that the answer will change. You fight bedtime almost every night, often loathe getting dressed and leaving for school, and you can be a bit too physical with your baby sitter. And dinner time? Dinner time is a constant, draining negotiation (if you eat this, you can have fruit/a popsicle/more cheese, please sit down before you fall, don't eat with your hands, don't feed that to the baby...). Oh, and forget about picking up toys that you leave strewn throughout the house. Still, I desperately and regularly yearn for more time with you- all of you. I am amazed at how fast the years have flown by since you entered my world and how all encompassing my love for you is and always has been. Today, I picked you up from school and took you to lunch at sub-a-way. You were so excited to see me in the middle of the school day - your joy radiated while you ran down the hallway and out the door wearing your Batman cape. You found a big, wooden stick on our walk and immediately went to work finding bad guys and knocking them down. You asked me to hold your hand while you traversed rocky terrain (read: walked along the curb) and you excitedly pointed out the different colored buses that passed us by. And I felt so content to just be in the moment with you. During our lunch, we had the following exchange:

Me: You know what my favorite part of the day is? Spending time with you.
R: You know what my best part of the day is? Sharing my chips with you.
R: You know what my favorite part of the day is? You.

I am fully confident that, throughout life's ups and downs, my little family will be my favorite part of every day. What a gift.