Thursday, December 13, 2018

A round of applause!

A quick update on my littles:

Adeline is still working on crawling, although she is very, very close to success. She can get in the crawl position and rock back and forth and will even move one leg forward before plopping flat on the ground. Also, she just started clapping (and loves showing off her skills) and one of her top front teeth is beginning to poke out. Her brother makes her laugh and smile like no one else, and she flaps her arms and squeals when she is really happy. Although she is still waking up at least once per night (usually around 4 a.m.) and will cry if she thinks she is alone (no human and no Finn to be seen), she is generally very happy and calm.

Reid is our little wilding, and he keeps us on his toes with his hilarious antics. Ever the typical boy, he will wrestle Mom, Dad, Apa, Grandma, Dylan, etc. at any opportunity. Getting him to sit and eat dinner is a monumental feat, and he regularly resists bed time and going to school (#FOMO). He loves to say "Really? Really?" as in "Really, mom, you are going to do that? Really?" and he also loves to say "See, See- I told you so" when somebody trips or drops something. He still loves reading (yay!) and singing and is so, so excited for Christmas.

Most days, Andy and I stumble to bed around 10:30, totally exhausted and often questioning whether we are living some sort of groundhog day scenario. Still, I am desperately aware that I will miss these chaotic days when they are gone. It fills me with joy to watch my children grow older, but it also makes my heart ache a little. When I stop to reflect, the raw and unyielding tick of time often feels like it bears down on me and gives me a terrifying sense of urgency to spend every minute with my babies. There is never enough time, right? Love, love, love my littles.