Saturday, April 14, 2018

Reid Sayings

Love hanging with this guy...

Q: What you're favorite food?
Reid:   Meatballs.   And Blackberries make me happy.

Reid takes a drink of a la Croix water:  "This tickles my mouth!"

PS: Baby girl is almost here!  Ash's due date was Thursday - so she should be here anytime now

Friday, April 6, 2018

Easter 2018

We enjoyed a fun, family-filled Easter weekend this year! I was able to take Friday off work to hang with Reid, and Nee Nee, Apa, and Gage came in the early evening and took Reid to the playground and dinner. The following day, we all ate breakfast together (Scotty, Aaron, and Dom joined as well) and the boys enjoyed playing at Dommerich's playground and around the house. After naptime, Nee Nee and Apa took the boys to the Science Center and Madagascar, while everyone else went to Dan Scantlan's wedding. Next up--> Easter Sunday!

Easter Sunday was a beautiful day, and Reid woke up to a basket of goodies left by the Easter Bunny and some highly coveted play time with Gage. Then, we all went to Maitland Community Park for Easter lunch and an Easter egg hunt. Reid was very, very good at finding and grabbing eggs, and he loved opening them up and finding cars, stamps, and dinosaurs. He also loved spending time with his cousins and running all around the park.  We went to bed that evening with full bellies and hearts.