Thursday, February 15, 2018

Hold Reid! Hold Reid!

As I type this, it is 1:40 p.m. on a Thursday, and I am sitting at our dining room table while Reid naps in the other room. Being home from work on a work day is, presumably, a luxury. In my case, however, this is day #2 of staying home from work with a sick Reid, back pain, a giant pregnant belly, and a very long to do list. Not the ideal combination. However, I am so grateful to have time with Reid- any and all time. He says and does things on a daily basis that make me laugh, smile, and promise myself that I WILL remember to memorialize how cute he is through this blog or otherwise. I am not the best at actually following through with the memorialization part, but I am trying. Anyway, here are some cute things he has been saying and doing recently:

- When Reid wants or needs something, he will often express himself with a tremendous sense of urgency. For example, if he wants to be held, especially if he hears an unfamiliar or loud noise, he will urgently demand Mommy or Daddy to "Hold Reid! Hold Reid!"

- He asks to go on his "scootie" on at least a daily basis. He insists on wearing his helmet, and he is able to scoot all around the neighborhood. Thank goodness he knows how to brake, although he doesn't always listen to my requests for him to stop or slow down. He is very insistent about staying on the sidewalks and will often refuse to take his scooter down a road that does not offer sidewalks. He also loves scooting over to Dylan and Ellison's house to see if they want to join him. Oh, and trying out new tricks on his "scootie." Occassionally, he will get tired and ask to ride on his Daddy's shoulders for a while, but he amazes me with his speed and endurance. 

- He loves to color and draw, especially when he can scribble with a pen. He will proudly show off his artwork ("Look Reid's artwork"), and he is an aggressive and enthusiastic color-er. 

- He loves to play music, especially his guitar, and he loves listening to and singing his favorite songs on repeat (Moana- We Know the Way, Winnie the Pooh theme song, Jesus Loves Me, etc.). Sometimes, he will let Mommy and Daddy sing along, but he is also known to insist that we stop singing so he can hear his own, uninterrupted voice. 

- He has started taking showers, with parental inclusion of course. He loves to take a paintbrush in the shower and "paint" the shower walls. Listening to Moana music while showering is a bonus.

- He loves his turtle night light and talking about the moon and stars. He still uses his owl nightlight, too, and he enjoys pointing out the different moons and stars. We phased out his sound machine, and he has adjusted remarkably well to this "choo choo bed."

- He was gifted a stuffed hedgehog for Valentine's Day (Thanks, Rios family!), and he has been calling it his baby and rocking it like a baby, unprompted. Can't wait to see him rock and love on his baby sister!

- If you ask him how his day at school was, he will tell you he played with Jack and Julesie, his two besties at the moment. Sometimes, he will also tell you he went on the playground ("payground").

- He loves to play make-believe using his kitchen gear. He will make pizza, cookies, and coffee upon request. We recently bought him some fruit that he can cut himself, and he has enjoyed making plates of fruit for mommy and daddy. He is careful to divide the fruit on separate plates and is very resistant to help with cutting ("Me do it" or "Reid do it").

- He has a love/hate relationship with Finn. He will give Finn hugs and play with him, but he will also scream at Finn to go away if Finn is in his personal space, especially when Reid is eating. Reid has a very real, and somewhat justified, fear of Finn eating his food. I get it.

- He recently learned how to pedal his bike. I believe this is a skill they have been working on at school, and we have also been practicing at home by the pool. He is very proud of himself!

- Today, he saw me lounging on the bean bag in the playroom, and he sat next to me on the other bean bag and randomly asked me, "How are you doing?" I said I was good and asked him how he was doing. "I good," he replied.

- He loves helping mommy cook in the kitchen. Recently, he made his first batch of chocolate chip cookies. He also loves spinning salad and stirring pretty much anything.

- He can tell you what kind of animals live in a lake - "alligator, snakes, fish, turtles" - and that "sharkies" live in the ocean. He loves going to the Science Center to see the lake animals.

- He saw his first movie with the Clarks - Paddington Bear II about a month ago. To this day, he tells me that he went to the movies with Aunt Jenn and Ellison and Dylan whenever we see a picture of Paddington Bear II. Although he didn't last the entire movie, he apparently did pretty well. I'm waiting for a G movie to come out so we can take him to movie #2. He seemed to have enjoyed his first experience, though!

Oh, how I love my sweet boy!