Thursday, November 16, 2017

Elmo's world!

Mama (me) had grand plans of transforming Reid in to Bam Bam or Cupid or some other being/creature for Halloween that allowed him to reach his full potential as a curly-haired blonde and blue-eyed toddler.  But, as someone says somewhere, plans are for the birds (which, I never really understood, but alas...). Reid does not know who Bam Bam or Cupid are, and he did not care to dress up as Bam Bam when I tried to convince him to wear Dylan's old Bam Bam costume.  For those of you reading this (which is probably only Jenn) that have tried to convince a toddler to wear something he doesn't want to wear, I do not need to describe the tantrum that inevitably follows the moment an undesired piece of clothing emerges before said toddler's eyes.  For me, a costume battle was not in the cards this year, and I reluctantly bough Reid the highly coveted Elmo costume.  Reid and I visited the Spirit Halloween Store, and he gravitated towards Elmo instantly. Because I knew his love for Winnie the Pooh (honey!) and Tigger (jump!) were overtaking his love for Elmo at a rapid speed, I also looked for WtP and Tigger costumes.  It turns out, the majority of American toddlers live in colder regions and would appreciate a bulky, thick WtP or Tigger costume, but I knew the chances of Reid getting heat stroke were high and we passed on those beauties.  Elmo it was. And boy did Reid love his Elmo costume. He donned it for the first time on the Saturday before Halloween when we walked to a Halloween party at the Maitland Community Park with the Clarks. Olivia joined us, as did the Chapmans (Ander the lion!), and Reid refused to take his Elmo costume off the entire time. There were indentations in his wrists and ankles and his hair was plastered to his hot, sweaty scalp by the time we wrangled the costume off him, but Reid could not care less.  A costume success, indeed!
Welcome to Elmo's world! Fa la la la.