Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Dance 'Til You Drop

Let's pretend I'm not writing this post in February. Instead, let me take you back to December and our holiday dance...
Playing with friends at the Chapmans!

We enjoyed a lot of family walks, bike rides, and breakfasts during Christmas break. Reid loved going to Shakers with Mom and Dad.

Playing with cousin Naveen during Ackley Christmas 2016.
Andrea cleared out a great space for the kids during the present exchange. Reid was especially interested in the window hardware.
Uncle Said and Aunt Eva's house has some wonderful views. One day, Reid may get to swim with his cousins during Ackley Christmas!
New tradition: Checking out the lights at Lake Eola followed by dinner afterwards (WWB).

Playing with Dylan in Palmer's "secret hiding place" on Christmas Eve.
Exploring a Christmas gift- a new kitchen!

Christmas M

Christmas morning!

We look silly, but we love each other !

We love Grandpa!

Opening presents with Apa!
Fun with cousin Gage during Layden Christmas 2016. The pirate ship was a big hit!
Learning how to play the piano...
Nee Nee knows the way to Reid's heart!

Fun during Layden Christmas 2016!
