Monday, July 18, 2016

Teeth update!

As of today, Reid has four teeth (two top, two bottom) and his teething game is going strong!

Check out picture proof of the two bottom teeth taken three weeks ago:

Summer Safety Headband

For multiple days in a row, Reid's care sheet from daycare referenced a "summer safety headband."  One day, the infants apparently talked about the importance of summer safety. Another day, the infants made summer safety headbands and showed them off to each other. Andy and I questioned what a "summer safety headband" is and found it comical that infants were being taught summer safety skills (as reported in Reid's care sheet). About one week after receiving a flurry of care sheets referencing summer safety, I picked up Reid from daycare and noticed a funny-looking craft in his cubby that consisted of a paper plate with the center cut out and painted purple.

Lo and behold, the infamous (to us) summer safety headband . . .

I think Reid is rocking his headband, don't you?

On a side note, the mystery of the summer safety headband was revealed to me while Andy was in Chicago celebrating a friend's bachelor party. I immediately sent the above picture to Andy, and he apparently viewed and shared the picture multiple times throughout the weekend. When he returned from Chicago, we talked about how we are in a season of our life where things like summer safety headbands are hung with pride from our refrigerator and we spend a significant portion of our weekend time showing off our child's ridiculous(ly awesome) crafts. The "summer safety headband season" may be my favorite season of all (so far).