Friday, June 24, 2016


I have a feeling that Charlie and Reid will make a lot of memories together throughout their childhood (and beyond), and I am really looking forward to watching these two cuties grow up together! Since Reid is only six months older than Charlie, I am sure they will be getting into some (presumably innocent!) trouble together. Love these sweet boys!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Reid's first trip to Sea World!

Enjoying the show after a milkshake snack (hence our seats as far away from human contact as possible)!

It was such a joy going to Sea World with E to celebrate her 8th birthday! She had just finished petting a dolphin in this picture and was so excited.

Don't let the frown fool you - Ellison and Andy had so much fun getting splashed during the show!

Family of four ;)

Baby boy endured the heat like a champ.

Oh, what a wonderful world!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Pool Love

Reid loves the pool! If allowed, I am certain he would take a nice, long nap while floating around the pool. Below is a picture of Relaxin' Reid hanging in the pool at NSB.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

We found our beach!

The Layden family enjoyed a very nice vacation at New Smryna Beach over Memorial Day weekend. The extended time together was very needed, and we were able to create some wonderful family memories. Below are some highlights and pictures from our time together.

Friday: We enjoyed a delicious meal at Manny's Pizza (their greek salad is a family favorite) and took Reid down to the beach afterwards. Reid was engrossed with the sand, water, and waves . . . and obviously modeled his beach baby looks with ease!

Saturday: We spent a nice morning on the beach and relaxed around the condo all day. Aaron joined us on Saturday afternoon and we all ventured to JB's Fish Camp for some quality family time. Reid loved listening to the live music, and I believe his daddy and uncle loved the copious amounts of seafood they ingested (Turtle Mound, anyone?). Afterwards, we returned to the condo and mama put baby to bed while the boys treated themselves to a negroni or two and a body surfing adventure.

Sunday: Birthday party time! Andy and I invited some of our closest friends (fyi siblings qualify as friends, thankfully :) ) and their babes to join us at the beach for a belated birthday celebration for Andy. It was really nice to have everyone gathered under our tent city, and I am convinced that Reid enjoyed seeing some of his baby friends. After a full day at the beach, everybody gathered at the pool, where we had a BBQ set up and Uncle Aaron grilled some delicious hamburgers, hotdogs, and turkey burgers. I had some health issues that took away some of the fun for me, but I believe it was a successful beach day overall! Andy and I are both hoping for many more family and friend beach days in the future.

Monday: The highlight of our Monday was a visit with grandparents. Grandparents Layden visited on their journey home from an out-of-state wedding, and Reid really enjoyed the attention and love. After spending the morning on the beach, we ventured to the pool, although we didn't last long because Reid wanted to fall asleep in his pool float (tough life). Since Reid had been boycotting long naps for the past few days, we decided to spend the remainder of the day in the condo. Later that evening, we ordered dinner from Touch of Italy and relaxed, relaxed, relaxed.

Tuesday: It turns out that taking a baby to the beach can be quite the production (if you bring a tent, chairs, blanket, baby gear, etc. like us), so we decided to spend our last day of vacation in downtown New Smyrna and bypassed the beach altogether. The Laydens love a good coffee shop, and we quickly located a small coffee shop, where we enjoyed a latte together while BBL slept in his stroller. Afterwards, we walked around the downtown area and picked up lunch at Yellow Dog Eats (delicious!). Once we returned to the condo, we did a lot of not-so-fun cleaning and packing before returning home.

And thus concludes our first NSB vacation as a family of three. We left with full hearts and anticipation of our next beach vacation. I have so many wonderful memories of time spent at NSB as a child, and I love sharing "my beach" with my little family. Thanks for the use of the condo, mom and dad! Also, thank you for all of the time and effort you put into creating NSB memories for me. <3